1.820.3345.33 info@travelexpectations.in

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Cancellation and Refund Eligibility

1.Refund eligibility for canceled flights is subject to the terms and conditions set by the airlines. Some tickets may be non-refundable, while others may be partially refundable.

2.Customers are encouraged to review the specific refund policies of the airlines they have booked with.

3.Travel Expectations service fees are non-refundable.

Refund Process

1.Customers seeking a refund must contact Travel Expectations through the designated customer support channels.

2.Refunds will be processed in the original form of payment whenever possible.

3.Processing times for refunds may vary based on the policies of airlines, hotels, and other service providers. Travel Expectations will make every effort to expedite the refund process.

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